There is something which is given to us by Almighty in limited quantity "Time" in life is one of them as well. As in our daily life, we may listen to such type of words from elders, parents and teachers which are "You are very careless about time", "You are wasting your time", "You don't respect time" and "Be punctual." These are some of the words that are often in use but beyond that, the matter of the discussion is how and why is time important? Time is the most important thing we have got in our life. It never stops. Neither you nor I can stop it for a while nor can we put it back even for a second. From birth to death we have got limited time to achieve our desired goals.

The problem is that the time, given to us, is short and fast but our matters are numerous and sometimes they become countless. As mentioned earlier, time is short and fast and also the most expensive thing we have got. So, it should be spent wisely according to plans. For example, when you are about to get pocket money, you become more anxious about it and you start to make plans about how, when and how much of the money we should spend. What do you plan about time? Let me tell you guys that every moment you are spending will not bounce back, no matter how important it is to you and no matter what kind of sacrifices can you give for it.

One friend of mine used to say that, "The bad thing about time is that it just passes like a jet but the good thing about it is that we are pilots and can direct it anywhere." In young age, we are very much energetic and passionate that sometimes we think our parents are wrong because they advise us on something which we are not willing to do. But remember that there is nothing which will be beneficial for them. They have spent their life according to their wishes and have lost many things. Therefore, they do not want us to repeat that same mistake and bear the same loss as they have witnessed. However, as the matter is concerned with the importance of time, it will be very much clear if we ask from an athlete who had lost his race by a matter of some split seconds or the person who has lost his/her loved one in a matter of seconds.

My dear friends, we all think this while wasting our time that we are killing time but in reality, it is killing us silently and keep in mind that every second of your precious life and is accountable.

A piece of advice:
Be careful advice about time and learn its importance before it teaches you it in its own way which may give you pain that might be beyond the limit.

Thomas Edison says:
"Time is the only capital that a human being has and the only thing that he can't afford to lose."


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